
By Pam Solberg-Tapper

“Tolerations” are those things that annoy you, drain your energy, weigh you down and clutter up your mind. They show up in all areas of your work and home life – things like:

  • Work – piles on your desk, sticky notes scattered about, unclear expectations, poor communication, broken systems
  • Home – leaky faucet, car needs washing, clutter, needs paint, overdue bills, garage needs cleaning
  • People – energy drainers, relationships that aren’t working
  • Habits – not exercising, spending too much money, not enough sleep

The good news is that when you stop putting up with tolerations, it’s like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. Here’s how:

  1. Look around and create a list of at least 25 things that you are tolerating.
  2. Rank them – which ones can you change or eliminate right away and which ones will take more effort?
  3. Start eliminating the easy ones today. This will give you momentum to tackle the ones that are more complex. Give yourself a deadline to finish your list.
  4. Enjoy your new found energy and peace of mind!